Why every Smart Tutor needs an Online presence to grow and succeed

Better Thinking Solutions
5 min readJan 15, 2021

As a teacher — the time is your most valuable asset.

Teaching students takes time. Managing attendance and records takes time. Communication with parents and students takes time. Finding new students takes time.

It takes a lot of time to be a successful teacher.

And that leaves a little time for you to relax, go on a break, update your skills (or all of them).

So, how can you, as a teacher manage everything and still make time for things that matter?

The easiest way to make more time for your personal life is to manage your professional life smartly.

Having your own online presence is the smart trick you need to succeed.

Did you know — 3 in every 5 tutors are online (and growing their business!)

An online presence can open up new doors of opportunities as well as save precious hours and efforts.

If you are interested in turning a problem into an opportunity — read this post to find out how an online presence can help you prepare for the future.

  1. Your Online Presence becomes your Brand Ambassador

No matter what you teach — getting more students and learners is always a challenge.

Especially, if you are new to teaching business — you will have to fight your way to the top and make your own presence in a competitive market.

Having your own online presence is like having a 24/7 virtual brand ambassador that does the marketing for you.

Even when you are sleeping or on a vacation — your online presence will be working in the background for your business.

You can either waste time promoting your teaching by traditional advertising methods or you can make the smart move.

Below are few examples of how an online presence works as your virtual brand ambassador-

  • Tell people what courses and subjects you teach
  • Give directions to your teaching school or academy
  • Show people your unique skills, teaching methodology, student feedback and overall expertise

These are just some of the many benefits of having a unique online presence as a teacher.

It will not only help you save precious time but will also help you establish a niche of your own in the market.

Plus, having your own online presence will also make you more confident, smart and accessible in the minds of students and parents.

Also Read : Want to earn extra income? Here are 4 proven ways to attract more students

2. Your Online Presence becomes your Personal Assistant

Imagine if you had a personal assistant who could do all the repetitive tasks for you — taking appointments, sharing updates, updating class timings, telling students about new courses.

Wouldn’t life be easier and simpler if you could get the effort out of these tasks?

Thanks to technology — all that is possible today if you have an online presence.

With your own website, you can get so much done without spending precious time that you can use for teaching or relaxing.

For example — you are a Yoga teacher and have some special courses or batches coming up — how would you like to inform your existing students about it?

The two most likely scenarios are -

1. Giving them the new details yourself before or after a class.

2. Updating the information on your website for everyone to see.

You probably already know how time taking the first scenario is. Plus, if a student isn’t available on the day of the announcement, they are likely to miss the important message and you might have to communicate it again.

This is where an online presence can serve as your personal assistant doing the less important tasks for you.

Let me ask you a question — have you ever updated a Facebook status?

If you have, you know how simple and easy it is. A couple of taps and words and your message gets shared with everyone in your circle.

Tutors who have their own online presence — communicating any new or special information is super simple and easy.

Below are few examples of how an online presence can work as your personal assistant -

  • Manage appointments, schedules and tasks
  • Communicate important messages, updates and notifications
  • Promote special deals, upload courses and gather student reviews

All of this (and much more) can be done if you have an online presence.

That means you can save time and efforts — now that’s a win every teacher deserves!

Don’t miss out on having the joy of more time for yourself.

Tick off the trivial tasks out of your schedule and focus only on what brings you joy, satisfaction and money.

Why Smart Tutors and Teachers Need a Unique Online Presence

The future belongs to those who prepare for it today

Every teacher wants to grow their teaching business, establish a reputation and most importantly — enjoy teaching.

With your own online presence, you can -

If you are ready for the future — we are here to help.

We understand you are busy — that is why we have made it super simple for you .

We can help you get online and save time.

MillionCenters aims to prepare the tutor of today, for tomorrow — our aim is to grow with you.

Originally published at https://www.millioncenters.com.



Better Thinking Solutions

MillionCenters is an online community platform enabling people to teach and learn smartly and easily.