5 Ways Dance Can Help In the Growth of your Child

Better Thinking Solutions
4 min readJan 14, 2021

With the provision of performing arts shrinking more and more in school, in lieu for skill based subjects, several parents are now looking for schools that focus on arts as well as academics.

Today, in India, there has been a significant change coming about in schools in terms of giving equal importance to arts and sports and text book learning.

With more emphasis on learning dance as a hobby, students are enrolling for dance classes and courses near them.

We all know that dance has a huge impact on the creativity of children but did you know that children also develop physical and emotional strength through dance?

Not only that, there are numerous benefits of learning dance as a hobby that your child can enjoy in life.

If you are not sure how dance benefits your child’s growth and development, here are 5 reasons that will convince you -

1. Dance Improves Physical strength

It is of no doubt that dancing is one of the best forms of physical exercise. If you are child loves to dance from an early age, encourage them to pursue the same, it would greatly help them stay motivated and stay healthy as they grow into adults.

Enrolling your kid into any kind of dance class, be it the classical dance or a modern dance, it would help them increase their flexibility, stamina, and physical strength, which also can help them perform better in life.

Dancing as a hobby can increase the stamina, strength and endurance of your child from an early age. The health benefits of dancing are immense!

2. Dance supports Emotional development

Dancing brings a feeling for joy for many and also gives a sense of purpose.

As your kid learns to dance and begins to perfect the various moves and steps, it also gives them immense sense of inner satisfaction but also helps them to express themselves in a better way.

Not to forget, dance as a hobby also has tremendous positive impact on the mental health of a child. The dance expressions provide the children a structured outlet to channel their energy and emotion in a safe environment.

Thus, by learning dance, children learn to be patient, confident and creative which are important ingredients for better mental strength.

Related: Why every kid must have a hobby in life

3. Dance Improves Social skills

Dance is a highly social activity — it is one of the best ways to learn teamwork and how to collaborate with others to complete a task.

When your child joins a dance class, he/she learns how to move in perfect synchronization with others, which in turn also help them develop a sense of trust and cooperation with others.

Technology has increasingly made children less social and more hooked to gadgets. As parents, you can encourage your child to pursue dance as a hobby and be more confident and social in their overall outlook in life.

Social skills like — talking to people, stage presence, networking are all part of a strong and impactful personality.

By learning dance as a hobby, your child can inculcate all of these from an early age and thank you later in their life!

5. Dance supports Cognitive development

By regularly attending the dance classes, your children can learn important life skills like self-discipline and time management.

As the child grown older, they must be able to learn how to balance their school, extra-curricular activities, and social life without giving up on dance.

The discipline, focus and dedication that the children learn and practice daily through the course of the dance sessions will automatically reflect in their school work and other aspects of their life.

You can give your child the opportunity to learn all these skills and improve their cognitive ability from childhood.

By enrolling your child in the best dance classes near you, you can encourage them to have a creative and satisfying hobby in life that will always be a source for joy and fulfilment.

Also Read: 5 best hobbies for toddlers

Over to You

If you are reading this, you should know how dance can help your child grow. And if you know the benefits of dancing for kids, it’s time to take a step and enrol your child in the best dance academy near you.

If you’re living in Kolkata, you can give your child the opportunity to learn all these skills and more by enrolling them into the best dance classes in Kolkata and encourage them any dance form of their choice.

In case you are located in Delhi-NCR, you can search and connect with the top dance classes for kids and give your child the gift of learning a useful hobby in life!

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Originally published at https://www.millioncenters.com.



Better Thinking Solutions

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